Swain Build & Guide / Swain Main’S Swain Guide

(Minion 1 will take all 5 streams to the face, but minion 2 will only be hit by 2.) - There is a lot to talk about regarding this skill. First off, it has a huge, and I mean, HUGE range. (It's super huge by the way.) - This skill has a similar skill mechanism to Ahri's . When the projectile hits someone on its return to you, however, the projectile disappears and roots its target and every enemy unit in a small area. (You can pull one target towards you at this time with your passive.) Landing multiple roots during an invasion or teamfight can really put the fight in your favor. - This is the coolest ultimate in the game. Health before activating ultimate: 1000, after: 1300, health before ultimate ends: 200, after: 200
- Against enemy units who AREN'T champions, you only absorb about 20% of health that you would absorb from champions. So it's highly recommended that you don't use it during lane for the purpose of sustain.

- The damage of the 2nd part of your ultimate relies on stacks that you gained all the way before the explosion. Remember that you can still acquire stacks even while the ultimate is channeling.

- The 2nd part of your ultimate has a bit of delay before actually activating. So you have to think a bit ahead of time.

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